Kevin first came onto my radar at the 35th edition of The Marathon Des Sables in 2021. The event was mard by problems that left a lot of the competitors, lets say, a little bit grumpy.
At the wrap up dinner in the hotel, this man stood up and started to address the crowd and tell them about all the good that had been achieved and event though the event hadn't gone to plan for most, he urged people to think about the journey and the friends and memories they had made along the way. (Oh and forgot to say, Kevin has terminal prostate cancer and is still one of the most positive people I know!)
I need to know more about this incredibly positive man I said to my partner, and my god what a story he had to tell!!!!!
Kevin is Gert Lushes first Impact Hero and this page is here to help spread his message of positivity and where you will find updates on all his amazing challenges.

Kevins links
"What can I say? If this book doesn’t inspire you I’m not sure what will?? A tale of a man living on borrowed time, but refusing to give up and living life to the limit. There’s a lesson here for everyone, inspiring stuff!"
Mr Ian B

Make The Most Of It is about Kevin Webber who has terminal prostate cancer but has an amazing message

latest challenge
The 10 for 10​
The 6th November this year will be my 10 year cancerversarie, 10 years to the day when I was told I may be dead in 2 years, hope for 3 or 4 if i am lucky. I think my unexpected longevity is something to celebrate and do something special for. A party? No. Holiday of a lifetime? No. Splash out on a luxury car? No.........Try to run further than I ever have in 24 hours? Absolutely.
I am planning to run from my house starting 5th November midday to my cancer hospital, the Royal Marsden in Sutton and back 10 times. Every lap for a year of my life, a different department of the hospital who have kept me alive and someone who has helped me along the way. I hope to finish by mid day 6th November and on this occasion as a one off I am raising funds for The Royal Marsden Charity general fund. I have chosen the general fund because I know so many others who have been treated there for many cancers, sadly some of those are not with us anymore and as such it gives an opportunity for people to do something to help all cancers on behalf of anyone special to them.
I am only seeking £10 from as many people as possible, that's just £1 for every year I have lived since my T4 incurable diagnosis (more is of course welcome!).
From where I live its 6.3k /3.9 miles each way or roughly 8 miles for the return trip. I am no super runner so reasonably I will run (5mph) for the first 6 hours, run/walk the next 6 walk/run the next 6 and probably walk/crawl (3mph) the last!
I would love people to join me for a leg, lap or even more and depending if you are a runner or walker then there will be an ideal time for you. Logistically I cant sort much out for anyone who chooses to join me but I will start very near Stoneleigh train station and will have a gps tracker so I can be tracked for the whole challenge (details in a later email!).
If you intend coming please email me when you are 90% sure so I understand what to expect but you will need to be generally self sufficient.
I need to reiterate, if I manage this, it will be the longest I have ever run in 24 hours so there is absolute jeopardy on me completing this challenge within 24 hours. Smiles may be in short supply after 18 hours but just like life , all you can do is start and then do your best, chasing dreams is something most of us should do a bit more.
Hopefully there will be a bit of media coverage too and remember this is about The Royal Marsden hospital because it is they who have made my longevity a reality. As it’s November it will be dark for 14 hours of the challenge and no doubt windy and wet too so take all that into consideration (Do you think I am worth a tenner now?).